Monash and the Future of Litter

Monash and the Future of Litter
Monash gardening team member Dean Nolan (2015)

Monash University’s Caulfield Campus has a litter issue that contradicts its modern aesthetic. 

Currently Monash is constructing the ‘Common Lawn’ area at the heart of its Caulfield campus.

The ‘Campus Green’ look that the university is developing is still fraught with rubbish and the gardening and maintenance staff are battling to control it.

Member of the gardening team Dean Nolan said of the current litter situation “It’s everywhere… the wind blows it in”.

On top of having to address the waste situation he has to attend to “Gardening, pruning [and] leaves… anything to benefit Monash” he said.

The ‘Common Lawn’, part of the ‘Campus Green’ project, is expected to be completed in 2015.

2 thoughts on “Monash and the Future of Litter

    1. Well, I’d say you know universities like to take their time with things. I can’t see there being a solution to the litter problem, unless there’s a major technological development, for at least my lifetime.


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